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Writer's picturePaulino Cardoso

Communication Isn’t Just the Throw Pillow on the Couch—It’s the Whole Damn House

An illustration of a house with different labeled sections representing levels of internal and external communication. Starting from the bottom: 'Plumbing (Underground): Aligning Your Team,' 'Foundation: Connecting Emotionally with Your Team,' 'Ground Floor: Showing Your Brand’s Personality (Inside & Out),' 'Second Floor: Building Trust (Inside) & Strengthening Relationships (Outside),' 'Attic: Big-Picture Planning (Inside) & Inspiring Your Audience (Outside),' and 'Chimney: Speaking with One Voice (Inside & Out).' Each level visually represents a specific part of brand communication, moving from internal alignment at the base to external communication at the top.

"You’re so much more than just marketing and communication."


Oh, cool, thanks! Now what the hell am I supposed to say to that?


I’m exhausted from hearing people treat communication like it’s the sprinkles on top, the last-minute garnish on their strategy casserole. My well-meaning colleague probably thought they were paying me a compliment, but what I heard was that tired, old tune where communication, marketing, and PR are seen as extras—just accessories to the “real work.”


It’s frustrating, not just because we should know better by now, but because we still treat the most essential piece of the puzzle as an afterthought.


Here’s the truth:


Communication is strategy. It shapes perceptions, builds relationships, and, oh yeah, drives growth. Without integrated communication every step of the way—whether it's product development or outreach—you’re left squinting at the bigger picture through a keyhole. It’s not some ribbon you tie on at the end; it’s woven into every decision, every move.


This misunderstanding comes from the deeply ingrained belief that communication is passive, not proactive. That it’s reactive, not essential. The truth? Communication is the heartbeat of your strategy—it fuels every single thing you do.


Effective communication isn’t the cherry on top; it’s the foundation.


Let me break it down:


Building a brand is like building a house. Communication isn’t the final coat of paint or that snazzy piece of decor you bought last minute. It’s the blueprint, the scaffolding, the steel beams holding the whole thing up. Without clear communication—internally and externally—the whole brand comes crashing down like a house of cards. Try launching a brand with no solid framework, and watch it collapse.


Yet here we are...


Still treating communication, marketing, and PR like they’re the last-minute add-ons. As if they’re things you tack on to a finished product. Spoiler alert: communication starts way before that. It’s not the final push; it’s the thing that pushes you forward from day one.


Internally: Building a Shared Culture


Internally, communication is more than setting guidelines—it’s about creating alignment. Everyone on your team, from the top down and bottom up, should understand the mission, vision, and core values. When people know where they’re headed, they don’t just follow; they lead. A team that’s aligned doesn’t just execute tasks—they live the brand. This turns every employee into a brand ambassador, creating a culture where the message is consistent and clear.


Externally: Creating Genuine Connections

Externally, it’s about understanding your audience on a deeper level. Communication isn’t about shouting your message; it’s about listening first. Who are your customers? What do they need? The goal isn’t just to push products but to build relationships that matter. Every tool in your shed—from social media to email—isn’t just a way to sell; it’s a way to connect. When you communicate authentically, you create trust, loyalty, and meaningful connections that last.


So yeah, communication is more than a final flourish. It’s the entire framework that holds everything together.


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